The DiSC in the Workplace assessment provides an opportunity for individual participants to build more productive and effective relationships at work which enhances team performance. Participants gain a deeper understanding of themselves and others, learning to appreciate the different priorities, preferences, and values everyone brings to the workplace.

Who Should Take This Assessment?

Any individual contributor or member of an organization or small business will benefit from this assessment. The DiSC in the Workplace assessment is the backbone to other DiSC assessments and is an excellent starting point for teams using an assessment tool for the first time. It also provides consistent learning language within organizations which is critical in establishing a culture of growth.

To understand others, you must understand yourself first.

Sample Reports

In this personalized, 20-page profile, participants will explore the priorities that drive their behavior; what comes naturally and what might be challenging when interacting with others and gain actionable strategies to strengthen their interpersonal interactions at all levels in the workplace.

Group Facilitation & Debrief Consultation

Group Facilitation

Participants gain an understanding of themselves and others while learning to appreciate the different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace. Find out more about our half-day or full day sessions.


Participants will deepen their understanding of self through recognition of priorities that drive their decision making, behaviours, and activities. Additionally, participants can explore workplace roles that fit their strengths as well as current challenges that may be perceived as roadblocks to full engagement. Find out more about our personal debriefs.


If you are a community/non-profit/small business, or are requiring bulk pricing, please contact us for pricing.